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Transcend Corporate has advised on the sale of Vacgen Limited (“Vacgen” or the “Company”) for Scienta Scientific AB (“Scienta”), a Swedish based group engaged in the development of ultra high vacuum (“UHV”) research and analysis equipment.

The Industrial Products & Services team at Transcend Corporate, the Birmingham and Thames Valley based corporate finance firm, is pleased to announce its role in advising Scienta on the sale of Vacgen, its UK-based manufacturing subsidiary.  Vacgen has been sold to an affiliate of Agathos Management LLP (“Agathos”), a London based firm which invests in small and medium sized UK-trading businesses.  The transaction was led by Matthew Imison and completed on 20th April 2018.  Scienta was advised by Robert Kullgren of Wistrand Advokatbyrå in Stockholm and Agathos was principally advised by Kate Norgett of DMH Stallard in Guildford.

Vacgen is a market-leading and globally recognised manufacturer of UHV chambers, components and manipulation devices used in advanced scientific research.  The Company is based in East Sussex, UK, and employs approximately 80 people.

Transcend Corporate originated the deal by introducing Agathos to Scienta as part of the marketing process.  Albert Farrant, Partner at Agathos, stated: “we are delighted to have acquired Vacgen and are looking forward to working with the strong management team and identifying exciting opportunities for further development.”

Commenting on the deal, Matthew Imison, Partner at Transcend Corporate, said: “Transcend Corporate is delighted to have supported Scienta on this cross-border disposal. Vacgen has a rich heritage and was a pioneer in the UHV industry, undertaking and developing the very first UHV research and equipment in the 1960s.  This transaction allows Scienta to focus on its core scientific research activities in Sweden and Germany.  In Agathos, we believe we have found a buyer able to oversee the next level of Vacgen’s exciting development.”